Ending the Race Crisis in the 21st Century – Endnotes


  1. In traditional America, illegitimate births were a rare and concealed scandal. Today it’s routine (“normalized deviancy”), outrageous and very public in welfare case loads. Seven out of ten newborn blacks are illegitimate, an astounding 70% of black children born by unwed mothers, fathers unknown, a ruinous collapse of families and sure path to youthful crime and more cycles of unwed mothers on welfare. For an analysis of the new violence-culture in schools, see “Growing Up in Today’s America” (The Washington Post, April 22, 1999). For the crime statistics, see the comprehensive report by the New Century Foundation, American Renaissance, July 1999. Or request it at: P.O. Box 527, Oakton, VA 22124.
  2. “Cultural Marxism” is the social and political version of Marx’s revolution in the economic order. Its goal is a cultural revolution, dismantling the traditional culture of Western civilization and its values, then replacing it with a new egalitarian world order. It has its origins in the neo-Marxist Frankfurt School of Social Research in the 1930s and its leading theoretician, Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse emigrated to the U.S. and into Columbia University’s Institute of Social Research. Marcuse taught that most social ills and evils are caused by the established order which must be demolished; that the only effective challenge to it will come from students and minority groups. During the social upheavals of the 1960s, his writings galvanized protesters, driven by his concept of “critical theory” (systematic criticism and tearing down of the established order, such as meritocracy, the “dead white men” and most American traditions; that there is “no such thing as truth, the things we think are true are only the constructs of dominant [white] groups”). His influence today still pervades most public schools, universities and media as they “deconstruct” Western civilization, replacing it with the “truths” and values of egalitarian multiculturalism (see “The English Department Virus” and “Media Fakes and Falsified Journalism” in The American Enterprise, May 1999). The quote in text above is from David Horowitz’s Hating Whitey (1999); see also his summary in The American Enterprise (November 1999, p. 45) and Insight (November 15, 1999).
  3. Bookman, Milica, The Demographic Struggle for Power, Cass Ltd., 1997
  4. See The Washington Times Weekly Edition (October 11-17, 1999).
  5. “Importing Poverty,” a research study from the Center for Immigration Studies, Washington, D.C., 1999. See also “Muslims Look to 2000” in Insight (1999) and the cover story, “Raiding Arizona,” Insight (July 26, 1999). For book-length studies, see Brent Nelson’s America Balkanized (1994) and The Immigration Invasion by Wayne Lutton and John Tanton (1994).
  6. These scenarios were alluded to briefly in this author’s “America Dismantled in Fifty Years,” Occasional Papers, Issue # 3, 1999. Scenario 3 (secession of states) was earlier amplified in detail in my articles, “New American Nations” (OP #1, 1997) and “Racial Separation in a New America” (OP #2, 1998). See also Footnote 20.
  7. Universal suffrage was explicitly avoided by the founders as mob rule by the ignorant. They feared anarchy even more than government tyranny. With voting rights universal today, politicians must sacrifice the nation’s long-range health to parochial and self-seeking interests such as exploiting welfare aid. Politicians yield to non-white agendas – or don’t get reelected. See “America’s Fatal Flaw: Universal Suffrage,” James Owens, The Executive As Public Philosopher, 1993 (or access it at http://www2.netcom.com/~owensva/separatist.html) and Glenn Montecino’s “Repeal Universal Suffrage” in the Nationalist Times, August, 1998. See also professor (Legal History) Stephen B. Presser’s precise analysis of the erosion of the Constitution’s protections against populist “mob” rule (Chronicles, October 1999). He notes, for example, that “the 17th Amendment, by mandating the direct election of senators, removed an essential check on [populist] democracy and led to an upper house moved more by opinion polls than constitutional obligations, as we saw vividly in the recent travesty of the Senate trial on President Clinton’s impeachment charges.” (Italics added.)
  8. The reference to this central Shakespearean concept is not casual. What makes Shakespeare’s (and classic Greek) tragedies so perennially profound is their essence, “hamartia,” the one fatal flaw in an otherwise superb human which leads to avoidable but self-inflicted ruin. In Othello, for example, it is jealousy; in Lear, vanity. For Euro-whites as a race, despite their superb accomplishments in science, literature and the building of modern civilization, that one fatal flaw is naive altruism, yielding nobly, politely, with no resistance to non- white demographic conquest – until they nobly die on the world stage.
  9. As of 1999, federal military personnel, by presidential executive orders, are routinely empowered to intervene in civilian police operations (Insight, October 25, 1999). Similar centralized policing operations (and financial policies) are being established at the international level, now known as the “New World Order,” engineered by multinational corporations, the secretive Trilateral Commission and the U.N. (Chronicles, November, 1999, p.26).
  10. “Uncle Sam,” the propagandized personalizing of the federal dictatorship, will function the same as the paternalistic “Big Brother” (“BB”) in Orwell’s 1984 novel – or “Uncle Joe” for Stalin in the old USSR. See “America’s Totalitarian Democracy,” by James Owens, The Nationalist Times (October 1999).
  11. See “Trial by Fury,” Reason magazine, October 1999
  12. See “Mental Health in Schools,” Insight, November 1, 1999.
  13. Statistics from U.S. Census Bureau. See also USA Today, cover story, September 7, 1999.
  14. Brazil’s 165 million are today a mix of over a hundred “races” as identified by official government census categories. The original Portuguese, Spanish and Italian whites of Southern European ancestry compose an influential but dwindling minority. The majority, by generations of interracial breeding, is a brown amalgam of black, white, native Indian and countless hybrids of the above along with a maze of cultures including African worship of tribal spirits. Brazil no longer has any unifying racial identity or stabilizing culture. See cover story on the racial dilemma in Brazil, Washington Post, Magazine section, August 1, 1999.
  15. Non-white birth rates so exceed whites’ that extinction of the white race worldwide is foreseeable within a century. Whites are only 8% of today’s world population and declining each year. The pattern of accelerating non-white immigration into European nations (England, etc.) emulates America’s. Using, as the demographic standard, 212 live births for every 100 women in order to maintain an existing population’s numbers, America (203, below replacement level) is among the highest of white nations such as Germany (130) and Spain (127) compared to India (340) and Mali (710) – and Mexican Americans within the U.S. (331). (See Decline of Males, Lionel Tiger, 1999.) As historians of the future update the anthropological list of extinct human races, whites of the 21st century will be credited as the most kind and gentle in accepting, even engineering, their own extinction.
  16. The Southern Poverty Law Center of Montgomery, Alabama (www.splcenter.org), a watchdog group tracking pro-white activists, lists over 500 organizations in the U.S. (as of 1999) which they designate as “white supremacist.”
  17. For book-length speculations on the probability, process and outcome of a second U.S. civil war, see Thomas Chittum’s Civil War Two. The drastic upheaval of a civil war would probably unleash racial cleansing of the nation by the victors, including advanced eugenics-type and DNA-altering methods. See also the more temperate analysis, Alien Nation, by a former Englishman, now U.S. immigrant, Peter Brimelow.
  18. Secession of states and the orderly transition of federally based institutions to the new nation will, of course, require excruciatingly complex and detailed planning of hundreds of practical matters beyond this article’s space limits, such as: rebates of U.S. Social Security monies to invested individuals, pro-rata servicing of the old national debt, design of new banking, tax, legal and treaty systems for the new nation and countless similar adjustments. Nevertheless, all this is quite feasible in our highly-sophisticated states.
  19. The legal case for the legitimacy of secession is sound today and has been since the Constitution of 1787 (despite Lincoln’s treasonable violation of it). The founding states voluntarily joined the Union and could voluntarily leave it. Nowhere in the Constitution is the right to secede denied. See Alan Buchanan’s Secession (1991); also Joseph Sobran’s articles “The Case for the Confederacy” and “Honest Abe” in the Conservative Chronicle (Aug. 25 & Sept. 1, 1999).
  20. More detailed elaboration of Scenario 3 is already available in previous issues of OP (Occasional Papers) and not repeated here. For example, Richard McCulloch, author of The Racial Compact (1994) and referenced by me in OP-#1, 1997, envisions an ultimate evolution of five new nations; Michael H. Hart (OP-#2, 1998) three (white, black and “rainbow”).
  21. This moderate and sane “separate but equal” solution to poorly funded southern black schools in the 1950s can prevail almost a century after the Warren court’s wrongheaded 1954 Brown v. Board of Education extremist solution (like using an atom bomb to demolish an obsolete building). It did achieve fair funding but by the reckless experiment of racially integrating all schools, then the nation as a whole, launching a century of racial conflict. A recent book-length report on public resistance to racial integration, written by two pro-integration authors, one white and the other black, shows that four decades of forced integration have failed. The authors conclude it was idealistic but wholly unrealistic (Leonard Steinhorn and Barbara Diggs- Brown, By the Color of Our Skin: The Illusion of Integration and the Reality of Race). The Brown v. Board blunder is promptly reversed in the new separatist America.
  22. American leaders established the “American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color” in 1816. It functioned until the administration of Lincoln (who also supported it and its repatriation aims) but ended with the Civil War. For details, see Occasional Papers #3, 1999, p.16.
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